This is worth your tip.

Would you like to know what reward you can expect as a tipster? Here we have created some examples for you to give you an idea of ​​what a good tip is worth to us:


Thanks to your tip, we sell a single-family home worth €650,000.00 and receive a 6% net commission. In total we get €39,000.00 and you get 10%, i.e. €3,900.00.


We sell a property in Brandenburg through your tip at a sales price of €250,000.00, our commission is €15,000.00 and you through your 10% tipster commission – €1,500.00 from us.


We sell a condominium through your tip at a price of EUR 320,000.00 and receive a 6% net commission. This makes a brokerage commission of €19,200.00 and you receive 10% of this, i.e. €1,920.00.


There are only 2 steps to complete on your part. Contact us and sign our agreement. We will inform you after a successful sale and you will receive your tip bonus.

Contact us here
Easily earn a reward through real estate:
  • You find out that someone wants to sell a property
  • You fill out the form and then report the tip to us
  • We will speak to the owner and inform you whether we can sell the property
  • We successfully sold the property. We will inform you and once we receive your commission, you will receive your bonus immediately.
CALL: 030 3478 1980

Call us, we will be happy to explain to you in a personal conversation how your cooperation with us is worth money.

Become a confidant!

Gemeinsam erfolgreich

Simply provide us with the necessary information: contact details of the owner and the property address.

Simply use our tipster form and send it to us by email, filled out and signed.

If a contract is concluded with the owner, we will inform you about the current status.

After a successful sale and we have received your commission, you will receive your tipster bonus.

What are the conditions?

Contracts come from contacts, so we would like to list our general conditions for the tipster commission here:

Adorable Immobilien Berlin GmbH reserves the right to reject real estate tips without giving reasons. If there are several real estate tips about the same property, an agreement is only created with the first tipper.

Adorable Immobilien Berlin GmbH reserves the right to adjust the requirements for granting the tipster bonus. Legal recourse is excluded.

Our area of ​​activity

We operate in Berlin and neighboring Brandenburg. From the Berlin city limits around 20 kilometers. If your real estate tip is located outside of this radius, please contact us directly before submitting the data so that we can check the profitability of the tip for us.

If your real estate tip is outside of Brandenburg and not in Berlin, then a sale could be carried out by one of our partners who operate throughout Germany. In this case our commission will be reduced and therefore yours too, but it can still be worth it. Please contact us directly about this.

Chances of success

We provide you with various information and advertising materials. You can use this to recommend us directly to your acquaintances, friends, or colleagues. We will then contact you and discuss the possible marketing strategy and possible sales price with the owner. If we receive a brokerage order, we will inform you and keep you up to date.

Tax advisors and lawyers

The tipster agreement is not aimed at people or companies who have a special relationship of trust with their clients (e.g. tax advisors, lawyers or notaries). We also exclude people who are legally prohibited from charging a tipster bonus.

If you belong to the group of people mentioned, please get in touch. We will be happy to solve your clients‘ problems regarding a property valuation or a property sale.

OUR News

Find out more about the real estate market here.

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Jetzt mit einem Tipp Geld verdienen

Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam Erfolg haben. Vermitteln Sie uns Ihren Tipp und erhalten Sie eine Prämie nach erfolgreiche Verkauf durch uns. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!